Alight Motion Shake Effect: Creating Eye-Catching Videos

Are you tired of making the same type of videos? Do you want to make your videos spectacular in appearance, then the shake feature of Alight Motion is going to be very useful for you. In this article, we are going to talk about the use of Alight Motion Shake Effect. You can make videos unique by using shake effect.

Alight Motion Shake effect

Introduction to Alight Motion Mod Apk

Before knowing about Alight Motion Shake Effect, you need to know about Alight Motion Mod Apk. As you all know that Alight Motion is a video editing app and its mod apk also in market. Which gives you many features as well as the facility to make great videos. Alight Motion Mod APK is also known for adding animation-like effects. It is available on both Android and iOS platforms.

What is Shake Effect?

Shake effect is one of the most popular features that Alight Motion effects offers. It allows you to add a shaking effect in your videos and making them look more dynamic and engaging. shake effect used in action scenes or music videos to create an energetic and lively atmosphere.

How to Create Shake Effect in Alight Motion?

Creating a shake effect in Alight Motion shake effect is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to add some movement to your videos:

Step 1: Import Your Video

First of all, you have to import the video in which you want to add shake effect. And if you want you can also record a new video using the camera. Or you can import videos from your device’s gallery.

Step 2: Add a Layer

add a new layer to your video. You can do this by tapping on the “+” icon in layers section and selecting the layer type you want to add. For shake effect, we recommend using a shape layer.

Step 3: Create the Shake Effect

Once you’ve added shape layer. it’s time to create shake effect. To do this, select shape layer and tap on “transform” button. In transform menu, you will see a “position” option. Tap on it and select the “wiggle” option.

Step 4: Adjust the Shake Effect

You can now adjust the shake effect to your liking. You can change frequency and magnitude of shake effect by adjusting wiggle settings. You can also adjust duration of effect by changing the keyframes.

Step 5: Preview and Export Your Video

Once you’re happy with the shake effect, preview your video to see how it looks. If everything looks good export your video to your device’s gallery.

Tips for Using Shake Effect in Alight Motion

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of shake effect feature in Alight Motion:

  1. Use it Sparingly

While the shake effect can add a lot of excitement to your videos, using it too much can make them look unprofessional and dizzying. Use the shake effect sparingly and only in appropriate scenes.

  1. Combine with Other Effects

You can combine shake effect with other effects in Alight Motion to create even more dynamic videos. Try combining it with zoom or rotation effect for added impact.

  1. Experiment with Settings

Don’t be afraid to experiment with the wiggle settings to create a unique and personalized shake effect. Play around with the frequency, magnitude, and duration of the effect until you find the right balance.

  1. Use High-Quality Videos

Alight motion shake effect works best with high-quality videos. Make sure to use videos that are at least 720p or higher for best results.


The shake effect is a great way to add some movement and energy to your videos and make them stand out. With Alight Motion app creating a shake effect is quick and easy, and it can be combined with other effects for even more impact. Remember to use the shake effect sparingly and only in appropriate scenes, experiment with the settings, and use high-quality videos for the best results.


Can I use the shake effect in any type of video?

Yes, you can use the shake effect in any type of video. However, it is best suited for action scenes or music videos.

Is the Alight Motion app free?

The Alight Motion app is free to download, but some of its features may require a subscription.

Can I use the shake effect with other video editing apps?

The shake effect is specific to the Alight Motion app, so you won’t be able to use it with other video editing apps.

Can I adjust the intensity of the shake effect?

Yes, you can adjust the intensity of the shake effect by changing the frequency and magnitude settings.

Can I add the shake effect to a specific part of the video?

Yes, you can add the shake effect to a specific part of the video by adjusting the keyframes in the transform menu.

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